English For Music Fanatic

Тренинг Run To The Hills

I Выберите наиболее подходящий вариант:

1) The Indians in the song are described as .
a) enemies of white people
b) victims of white people
c) slaves of white people

2) White people are described as .
a) brave
b) cowardly
c) savage

3) The land of the Indians is .
a) a forest land
b) a fruitful land
c) a barren land

4) The song urges the Indians .
a) to escape
b) to fight
c) to surrender

5) The Indians .
a) won the war
b) lost the war
c) were completely destroyed

II Найдите в тексте песни синонимы к словам:
a) to kill
b) to conquer
c) obedient
d) to ride
e) to destroy
f) religion

III Перефразируйте предложения так, чтобы в них использовался герундий. Начала предложений даны. Например: "Let's go for a walk", he said. (He suggested....) - He suggested going for a walk.

1) You can do it in many ways. There are many .

2) The children like to watch TV more than to read.
The children prefer .

3) He spoke, and then he sat down. After .

4) I don't like to go to the doctor very much. I don't enjoy .

5) It will be terrible if I lose my job. I'm afraid of .

6) After a short break they started to work again. They went on .

IV Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу причастиями, образованными от данных глаголов: speak, lie, cry, announce, be

1) I took the newspaper on the table.
2) Here is a telegram his death.
3) We came up to the girl to ask where her mother was.
4) The pupil to the teacher is Peter.
5) hungry he immediately sat down to his dinner.

V Переведите предложения:
1) Первобытные племена часто совершали ритуальные убийства.
2) Улыбаясь вам в лицо, он может предательски вонзить нож в спину.
3) Укрощение и порабощение краснокожих было целью белых людей.
4) В бесплодной степи бесполезно охотиться на дичь.
5) Он страшно боится ездить верхом.(Он боится верховой езды как черта.)

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