English For Music Fanatic

Тренинг Г Р А М М А Т И К А

Заполните пробелы, употребляя по смыслу don't have to / doesn't have to
1. You have soup for lunch. You can have a sandwich if you like.
2. He is very rich. He work for a living.
3. Most vegetables can be eaten raw. You cook them.
4. She take a bus. She has a car.
5. I have a stamp. You go to the post office to buy stamps.

Заполните пробелы, употребляя по смыслу be going to / will
1. Could someone please open the window? - I do it.
2. Hi, Josh. I hear that you move into a new flat.
3. What are your vacation plans? - I spend two weeks in Greece.
4. So you get married. - That's right. On September 22nd. We've already arranged everything.
If you can wait just a few minutes, I walk to the meeting with you.

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