English For Music Fanatic

Тренинг Грамматика

1. Выберите и вставьте нужный предлог, если это необходимо:

Please, go to the shop - we have run milk. (of, - , out of)
I was late for work you. (as for, because of, instead of)
He doesn't deserve such an attitude. (on, of, - )
There's an endless story your clothes. (underneath, beyond, below)
This car belongs my father. (to, for, - )
This letter was written me. ( - , on, by)

2. Поставьте глаголы в указанную временную форму:

If you (to give up, Present Simple) smoking, I (to marry, Future Simple) you.
Father (to buy, Future Simple) you a motorbike when you (to finish, Present Simple) school.
If my boss (to let, Present Simple) me do it, I (to go, Future Simple) on vacations next month.
When Alex (to get, Present Simple) home, he (to give, Future Simple) you a call.
I (not to tell, Future Simple) you anything unless you (to stop, Present Simple) crying.

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