English For Music Fanatic

Тренинг Грамматика

1. Употребите глагол в скобках в форме Present Perfect или Past Simple:
* He the cup yesterday. (to break)
* She the cup and now her mother is telling her off. (to break)
* We friends for 5 years. (to be)
* They friends when they were 5. (to become)
* He 3 hours ago. (to leave)
* My father is not in, he . (just , to leave)

2. Употребите нужный вспомогательный глагол, руководствуясь грамматическим правилом №2 и подсказкой в скобках:

* I decided not to smoke any longer but I still . (курю)

* She hasn't done her homework though she pretends she . (сделала)

* Don't say you are not learning French, I feel that you .(изучаешь)

* His mother says that he takes after his grandfather but I don't think he .(похож, напоминает)

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