English For Music Fanatic

Тренинг Whenever Wherever

I. Choose the most appropriate variant:

1. The man described in this song
a) is red b) has freckles c) has strong legs

2. He was born
a) in the Alps b) in the Ands c) far away

3. The main heroine of the song is lucky because
a) she is passionate and strong b) she loves her boyfriend c) she can run fast

4. She believes that
a) she and her lover won't be together b) they will be together c) he will leave her

5.If he leaves her
a)she will run for cover b) she will climb the mountains c) she'll be very upset

II Find synonyms to the following words in the text:

1. only -
2. shelter -
3. laugh at -
4. hills -
5. agreement -
6. to murmur -

III Complete each gap with one of the following words: confuse, deal, make fun of, cover, and mumble.

1. The soldiers ran for when the shooting began.

2. I always her with her sister.

3. The little boy something about his toys.

4. The band signed a new with their record company.

5. The kids at school always Jill's clothes.

IV There's one mistake in each sentence. Find and correct them:

1. Ands are very high..

2. My brother doesn't like when somebody makes fun with him.

3. Be careful, don't confuse one letter for another.

4. If it rains we'll run to cover.

5. I'm not sure I can play this song by the ear.

V. Translate the following sentences:

1. Неужели ты не слышишь эти голоса?

2. У нее волосы как у ее матери - прямые и блестящие.
3. Скажи ей, что я не буду смеяться над этим.

4. Том сказал, что в горах было много людей.

5. Я не думаю, что он настолько серьезен.

6. Нам суждено было встретиться.

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