


Texas / Summer Son


I’m tired of telling the story
Tired of telling it your way.
Yeh, I know what I saw,
I know that I found the floor.

Before you take my heart, reconsider,
Before you take my heart, reconsider.
I’ve opened the door
I’ve opened the door.

Here comes the summer’s sun,
He burns my skin,
I ache again,
I’m over you.

I thought I had a dream to hold
May be that has gone
Your hands reach out and touch me still
But this feels so wrong.

Before you take my heart, reconsider,
Before you take my heart, reconsider.
I’ve opened the door,
I’ve opened the door.

Here comes the summer’s sun
He burns my skin
I ache again
I’m over you.

Here comes the winter’s rain
To cleanse my skin.
I wake again
I’m over you.

Tired of telling it your way

Way 1) путь дорога
To take one’s way - идти уходить
To lead the way - быть вожаком показывать дорогу
On the way – в пути
To be in the way – стоять на пути
To see one’s way – быть в состоянии что-либо сделать
2) способ, манера, образ действий
I will find a way to do it – Я найду способ это сделать
Ways and means – пути и возможности
To have a way with somebody – Иметь особый подход к кому-либо

I’m over you
To be over somebody – Не знать как лучше угодить кому-либо
She was all over him

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